From the get go, you are thrown into battle with a whole series of choices for your character to make. Not to say the action won't keep you salivating. You will smile at the coolness of it all when IT occurs. To you newbies, pay attention to the dialog in the game and the unfolding plot rather than concentrating on the action. To those readers out there who haven't played the game, I am not exaggerating. The major plot twist ranks up there with the Usual Suspects.
This is the greatest plot ever put into an RPG game.
And the fact that it is Star Wars, which has so much more appeal to the regular joe than a D&D game, just adds to the factor. In fact the game is remarkably like Neverwinter Nights but excels in so many different areas than it's counterpart. The people who brought you the Baldur's Gate series, Icewind Dale and Neverwinter Nights have struck again.